Configuration Windows 10

In Windows 10 you can access your emails in different ways:

  • POP3 as a protocol to read the emails on a device but anything written or changed will not be visible on other devices.
  • IMAP as a protocol to read the emails on a device and anything written or changed will be visible on other devices.
  • Exchange (ActiveSync) as an email client for reading emails, contacts, etc.
  • Outlook Connector from Axigen as plugin for your Outlook

Access to Contacts or Calendar from CardDAV/CalDAV will only work on Exchange (ActiveSync) and Outlook Connector since Windows 10 Mail doesn't support it.

POP3 Configuration

POP3 Configuration (847.15 kB)

IMAP Configuration

IMAP Configuration (847.58 kB)

Exchange (ActiveSync) Configuration

Outlook Connector